Scott Police
Traffic Enforcement
The Traffic Enforcement Officer of the Scott Police Department is responsible for a continuous effort to improve traffic safety and facilitate the safe movement of vehicles throughout the City of Scott.
It is his job to enforce the traffic laws prescribed by the State of Louisiana, address traffic concerns of the citizens, and gain the public’s voluntary compliance with the traffic laws with a strong, uniformed presence.
The Traffic Enforcement Officer gives the department a very useful tool to effectively address various traffic safety issues, while saving lives and protecting property.
Some reasons you may be stopped by a Police Officer include:
Traffic violation such as speeding, running a red light, expired plates, etc.
Occupants suspected of being involved in a crime or witnessing a crime.
Vehicle suspected of being used to commit a crime.
Vehicular safety such as broken taillight, cracked windshield, etc.
How to respond if you're stopped by an officer:
Blue lights and/or a siren means pull over to the right where it is safe and where you will not block traffic.
If it is dark, the officer will use a bright spotlight or flashlight to illuminate you and your car.
Upon request drivers are required to provide their license, registration, and proof of insurance.
Depending on the circumstances, officers may request identification from passengers as well.
Remain in your vehicle, keep your hands where the officer can see them, and follow his/her instructions.
Avoid sudden movements and do not reach for your license or other items until the officer requests them.
It is reasonable and legal for an officer to require that you and your passengers get out of the vehicle, but do not get out until he or she asks.
Ask any passengers in your car to remain calm and comply with the officer's instructions.
You may ask questions and provide an explanation of your actions, but arguing with the officer should be avoided.
If you are carrying a weapon on your person or within your vehicle, advise the officer that there is a weapon present, where it is located, and do not retrieve the weapon until the officer says.
Paying a Citation:
Citations can be paid in person at Scott Police Department located at 129 Lions Club Rd between the hours of Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m and Friday 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.. Cash or Money Order are the only forms of payment excepted.
Partial payments can be made from the time the citation is received up until the court date listed at the bottom of the citation.
Extensions to pay can only be granted by the City Magistrate during court.
Scott Police Department does not offer deference programs or driver’s education in lieu of posting the infraction to your record.
Payments can also be made online at https://scott.courtkeeper.net/ with a debit or credit card. (Additional fees apply)
You may also choose to pay by mailing a money order with your information clearly written to: P.O. Box 810, Scott, Louisiana 70583