Scott Police

The Scott Police Department salutes the brave men and women that have served and continue to serve our country.
Our gratitude for the protection of our freedom and the sacrifices made is beyond words.
Assistant Chief
Orlando Calhoun
Sgt. Gary Nezat

Assistant Chief Orlando Calhoun has served his country since his 17th birthday. He joined the United States Army Reserve while still a junior in high school and completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri in July of 1986. He then completed his senior year of high school at Northside High School and upon graduation, returned to Fort Leonard Wood for Advanced Individual Training as a Combat Engineer.
Assistant Chief Calhoun went on active duty in June of 1988 and was stationed in Fuerth, West Germany with the 1st Armored Division, 16th Engineer Battalion. After completing his two-year overseas tour, he was stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana where he was assigned to the 588th Engineer Battalion.
Shortly after his arrival in the United States, Assistant Chief Calhoun was overseas again, having deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Desert Shield. In January of 1991, Operation Desert Shield transitioned into Operation Desert Storm and Assistant Chief Calhoun's unit was assigned the task of mobility/counter mobility with the 1st Infantry Division. The 588th Engineer Battalion’s primary mission was to clear obstacles laid out by the Iraqi Army and destroy abandoned/captured equipment and ordinance.
Assistant Chief Calhoun was Honorably Discharged in June of 1992 with numerous commendations.
Sgt. Gary Nezat enlisted in the United States Army in December of 1995. Upon completion of Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Sgt. Nezat continued to train at Fort Knox to become a Cavalry Scout.
Sgt. Nezat was then assigned to the Louisiana National Guard 256th Brigade Combat Team and was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004. During deployment, Sgt. Nezat served with the Scout Platoon, 2/156 Infantry.
While traveling in a convoy, Sgt. Nezat’s vehicle was attacked. As a result, Sgt. Nezat and other soldiers sustained injuries from shrapnel. Upon his recovery, Sgt. Nezat was presented with a Purple Heart Medal in addition to several other commendations.

POFC Barry Abshire
POFC Kevern Stoute
POFC Barry Abshire is a graduate of Cecilia High School, Class of 2014. POFC Abshire joined the United States Marine Corps in 2015 in the infantry division and completed his service in 2020.
POFC Kevern Stoute joined the United States Navy in July 24, 1978, just after graduating from Acadiana High School.
Upon completion of Basic Training in Orlando, Florida, POFC Stoute attended “A” school in Millington, Tennessee as an Aviation Ordinanceman and finished 1st in his class.
POFC Stoute was then sent to Naval Air Station Barbers Point Hawaii on the island of Oahu. While there, he was promoted to Plane Captain and 3rd Class Petty Officer. This position made him responsible for ensuring planes were equipped with the proper ordinance for each mission. He was also trained for SAC Flights for weapons off loads and reloads for plane troubleshooting.
Prior to his Honorable Discharge in 1982, POFC Stoute was promoted to the rank of 2nd Class Petty Officer(E-5).

Detective Brian Louviere

Detective Brian Louviere graduated from Cecilia High School in 1987 and joined the Navy in June of 1988.
During his first year he trained in the US Navy Nuclear Power Program as a Machinist Mate (in the Engineering field). In the latter part of 1989, MM3 Louviere was stationed aboard the USS Trippe (FF-1075) in the engine room. MM3 Louviere trained as Messenger of the Watch. Lower Level Watch, Upper Level Watch, Throttleman and Machinist Mate of the Watch.
During the next two years MM3 Louviere was promoted to MM2 and earned his Surface Warfare distinction. In January of 1992. USS Trippe, who was part of the Lincoln Battle Group, was scheduled to deploy to the Persian Gulf as part of the Gulf War, however USS Trippe was cancelled due to its age, so Trippe was assigned to drug operations in the Southern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico with The US Coast Guard, making ports in Cartagena, Columbia, Aruba, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Curacao, Guantamano Bay, Cuba and Bermuda. During this time Trippe traveled the Panama Canal, making port in Panama City, Panama and Manta, Ecuador. During this time Trippe crossed the Equator for the 1st time in its existence.
MM2(SW) Louviere made his final port call returning to home port on April 22, 1992 and completed his active duty service two weeks later. In November of 1992,
Officer Louviere joined the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office where he served for 23 1/2 year before joining the Scott Police Department in July of 2016.
Sgt. Chris Taylor

Sgt. Chris Taylor is a 2004 graduate of Acadiana High School. In 2007, Sgt. Taylor decided to join the United States Army and serve as a Military Police Officer.
Sgt. Taylor was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division and was deployed to Afghanistan for 1 year. While stateside, Sgt. Taylor provided police protection for the residents of Fort Bragg in North Carolina. In 2012, he received an Honorable Discharge.
During his 4 years, Sgt. Taylor accumulated several honors including the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and a Parachutist Badge.