Scott Police
Chief Chad Leger recognizes outstanding performances and accomplishments performed by the police officers of Scott Police Department.
These actions exceed the scope of normal duties and are commended.

Scott Police Department
Medal of Valor
The highest award presented by the Department. The Medal of Valor shall be awarded to an employee for exceptional bravery above and beyond the call of duty where there is risk of life or serious bodily injury. It may be granted posthumously. This medal may only be presented when the above criteria have been met. Therefore, in some calendar years, there may not be a qualifying nomination.

Scott Police Department
Purple Heart
The 2nd highest award presented by Scott Police Department. Awarded to an officer who sustains an injury while engaged in activities which are above and beyond the normal course of duty. The event shall be viewed as an incident which places the officer’s life in jeopardy

Caleb Legé May 4, 2007

Scott Police Department
Medal of Merit
This award shall recognize sustained, exemplary performance by an employee beyond the realm of what would normally be expected of a fully competent employee and that reflects credit on the employee and the Department.

Byron Romero May 19, 2004
Dion Bearb February 26, 2005
Larry Isadore February 26, 2005
Caleb Legé May 4, 2007
Scott Police Department
Life Saving Award
The Lifesaving Award shall recognize an officer whose actions were instrumental in saving a human life. Criteria shall be that the victim would have perished had the officer not intervened.